by Virginia



I. GREETING OF THE SEASON: As you will be receiving this sometime around Christmas, let it carry the wishes of both Mary and Virginia to you for a fine holiday season, our thanks for your interest and support during the past years and our hopes that your lives will all be enriched and happier in 1972.


II. While it has been a standing offer for a long time it needs to be repeated every so often. Chevalier will re- purchase any of the issues which are no longer in stock for $2 in either cash or credit. For the issues that are needed see the listing of issues out of stock under Back Issue deals in the price list. Such issues are avail- able every now and then from people who wish to dispose of their collec- tions of TRANSVESTIAS for various reason. If you would like to put in a request for any particular issues as they come up please do so. Write your name and address and the issues wanted on a 3 x 5 card or paper so that we can file them. Please also date the card as such requests will be honored in the order received. As these are scarce items they will be sold at $6 apiece which is their repurchase cost plus the original $4 selling price. If you really want some of these PLEASE WRITE TODAY. There is no point in being No. 15 on a list when we may only get 4 or 5 of your issue in the next year.


III. We are always sorry when someone writes in for an issue that has just recently been exhausted. It is disap- pointing for you and some trouble for us as we just have to write and tell you so. Since back issues never get out of date for their material, why don't more of you buy the past issues while they can be bought. The last 2 or 3 issues are not going to run out right away so you can get them later. Moreover, as there is of necessity some time between issues a back